Paul in High School

With his Mother, Viginia, & Brothers, Jim and Peter, 1965

During the July 11th'99 benefit for him at the
Great American Music Hall (SF),Paul received a proclamation from
SF City Hall annoucing that , from then on, July 11th will be
'Paul Pena Day' in San Francisco.

Paul & his Father, Jack, play together at
Music during Paul's 50th Birthday Celebraton in Jan. 2000.

With his parents, Virginia & Jack, before
the performance at Clarion Music.

After riding on horseback in the Tournament of
Roses Parade, New Year's Day 2000, Kongar-ol Ondar and the 'Eagles
of Tuva' came up to SF for a re-union with Paul and company. The
party went on for hours--much of it spent singing and playing
music--both Tuvan and the Blues.

At the Tuvan re-union with his cat, Lyuba.

During their visit in Jan. 2000, K.O. and the
'Eagles of Tuva' played two shows with Paul. Here, they're at
the Roxie Theatre (SF) after a screening of Genghis Blues.

K.O.& Paul perform at the Presidio Chapel
(SF) Jan. 6, 2000. Paul's wearing a traditional Tuvan robe and
hat that he was given during his epic journey to Tuva.

Paul, K.O. and the Eagles of Tuva
the Presidio Chapel.